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{ filthy }

filthy by delroekid
filthy a photo by delroekid on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
"Before: The moment the kids wake up, they go outside to play with the neighbors and go home before noon looking and smelling filthy - wearing a cheap scent that strongly reminds you of sweat, because yes it is, sweat. Sometimes they find themselves owning an inexpensive black gold necklace composed of natural materials - sweat and dust - after hours of playing outside and draw out loud scolding from their moms even if they already have bruises on their hands and knees they got probably from a fist fight with the other faction of the neighborhood.

Now: You don't see them in the streets. The moment they wake up, they go straight to their desktops (or their parents' laptops) and enters into a VIRTUAL world. You don't even get to smell the cheap scent of sweat because they stay inside their house with their handheld devices - iPhone, iPad, Nintendo DSI, and PSP to name a few. They are more preoccupied with computer games that eats up their time that should be spent socializing with the neighbors and experiencing things that their parents, their parents' parents and their fore-parents have done."

-- thanks Louie Ponce for translation.


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