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KONY 2012 (My Share)

Joseph Kony 

This ruthless militia directs its violence towards civilians and attacks local communities—massacring innocent people, razing villages, and abducting children and forcing them to serve as soldiers, porters, and sex slaves. With Kony leadership slipping and splintering in the LAR, and they are reportedly at their weakest, is 100 troops enough? Now is the time to eradicate the festering disease know as the LRA. President Obama needs to step up the game and put an end to the sadistic genocide in South Sudan, Congo and the Central African Republic.

It has been almost 20 years since American troop pulled out of the region, shortly after the Black Hawk down incident, in 1993. Now if finally looks as though there may be an end. So I have to ask, in those 18 years where was the outrage from the African-American leadership, the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. they did get quite infuriated about a radio personality making a remark about a young woman’s hair. You can bet if this was happening in Israel or Europe, we would be in an all-out war. If there would had been a stronger out cry from all Americans years ago, decades ago, there would have been a lot less innocent people dead today.

Now with the onset of the disarmament of the LAR, some say war is never the answer, and I agree, war only bring on more war and the death of more innocent victims. However, many more innocent people will continue to die if we don’t end the genocide NOW!

Keep informed of crimes against humanity

making innocent children kill 

victims (The LRA are notorious for mutilating victims)

please watch this video:

KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.
Pledge your support at and continue to share this story.

GOAL: 500,000 shares


DIRECTOR: Jason Russell LEAD EDITOR: Kathryn Lang EDITORS: Kevin Trout, Jay Salbert, Jesse Eslinger LEAD ANIMATOR: Chad Clendinen ANIMATOR: Jesse Eslinger 3-D MODELING: Victor Soto VISUAL EFFECTS: Chris Hop WRITERS: Jason Russell, Jedidiah Jenkins, Kathryn Lang, Danica Russell, Ben Keesey, Azy Groth PRODUCERS: Kimmy Vandivort, Heather Longerbeam, Chad Clendinen, Noelle Jouglet ORIGINAL SCORES: Joel P. West SOUND MIX: Stephen Grubbs, Mark Friedgen, Smart Post Sound COLOR: Damian Pelphrey, Company 3 CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey, Laren Poole, Gavin Kelly, Chad Clendinen, Kevin Trout, Jay Salbert, Shannon Lynch PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Jaime Landsverk LEAD DESIGNER: Tyler Fordham DESIGNERS: Chadwick Gantes, Stephen Witmer

we want to catch him, so we are making him known.

do your part, share.........


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